Keeping the Kids Occupied on a 7-Day Trip

Join me as we embark on a 7-day trip with a family of five. With just 12 hours left until departure, the pressure is on to pack everything we need. Although my boys are usually homebodies, I’m determined to get them out of the house and into the world. As homeschoolers, they don’t have many friends, but I’ve planned for them to meet new people during our adventure. Ensuring the kids are occupied during our 45-minute flight is a priority, even if it means waking them up at 4am. Believe me, traveling with kids is an experience that’s often underrated. But now, as we arrive at the happiest place on Earth, we can’t help but feel excited and ready for all the fun ahead. Let’s dive into this extraordinary journey together!

Packing for the Trip

Gathering essential items

When it comes to packing for a trip, it’s important to gather all the essential items you and your family will need. Start by making a checklist of items such as clothes, toiletries, medications, and any special equipment you may need. It’s helpful to involve your family members in the process to ensure you don’t forget anything. Make sure to pack enough clothes for each day of the trip, considering the weather and any specific activities you have planned. Don’t forget to pack extra underwear and socks, as well as comfortable shoes for everyone.

Organizing clothes

To ensure a smooth trip, it’s essential to organize your clothes effectively. One way to do this is by using packing cubes or compression bags, which can help maximize space in your luggage. Consider packing individual outfits for each day in separate bags or using color-coded labels to distinguish between different family members’ clothes. This way, you will avoid the hassle of rummaging through a messy suitcase while on your trip. Additionally, rolling your clothes instead of folding them can help save space and prevent wrinkles.

Preparing toiletries

When packing toiletries, remember that most hotels provide basic toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, and soap. However, it’s a good idea to pack travel-sized versions of your favorite products to ensure you have everything you need. Don’t forget to include toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and any other dental hygiene items. If you have specific skincare or haircare products that you prefer, be sure to pack those as well. It’s also a good idea to pack some medication essentials such as pain relievers, allergy medicine, and any prescription medications.

Packing entertainment items

Keeping your kids entertained during the trip is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Consider packing a variety of entertainment items such as portable gaming devices, books or magazines, and headphones. Portable gaming devices like a Nintendo Switch can be a great option to keep your kids occupied during the flight or long car rides. Books or magazines are excellent choices for both kids and adults to enjoy some quiet reading time. Downloading movies or TV shows onto a tablet or laptop can also provide hours of entertainment. Don’t forget to bring snacks and drinks to keep everyone fueled and hydrated throughout the journey. Pack some of your family’s favorite snacks and consider bringing reusable water bottles to refill along the way.

Managing Homebodies

Understanding their preferences

If your kids are homebodies and don’t enjoy leaving the comfort of their home, it’s essential to understand their preferences and concerns. Take the time to talk to them about their feelings and try to address any fears or hesitations they may have. Make them feel heard and reassure them that this trip will be a fun and exciting experience for the whole family. It’s important to be patient and understanding during this process.

Explaining the benefits of the trip

Sometimes, kids may not fully grasp the benefits and advantages of traveling. It’s crucial to explain to them the many benefits that come with exploring new places. Talk about the opportunity to learn about different cultures, try new foods, and discover interesting landmarks. Emphasize the excitement of creating new memories as a family and the chance to bond and grow closer. Help them understand that stepping outside of their comfort zone can be a rewarding experience.

Keeping them engaged during travel

To keep your homebody kids engaged during the trip, it’s important to plan activities that align with their interests. Research the destination and find attractions or activities that they would enjoy. Whether it’s visiting a museum, exploring nature trails, or engaging in outdoor sports, find opportunities to cater to their preferences. Additionally, involve them in the planning process and let them choose some activities or attractions they are excited about. This will help them feel more invested in the trip and increase their enthusiasm.

Making Friends

Researching potential friends

To ensure your kids have the opportunity to make friends during the trip, do some research beforehand. Look for destinations, hotels, or resorts that offer kid-friendly activities and programs. For example, some resorts have kids’ clubs or play areas that encourage social interaction among children. Research local parks, playgrounds, or community centers that host events or activities for kids. By gathering information about potential friend-making opportunities, you can ensure that your kids have a chance to connect with others their age.

Arranging meetups or activities

If you happen to know someone in the destination you’re visiting, try arranging a meetup or playdate for your children. Connecting with familiar faces or even distant relatives can make the trip more exciting for your kids and give them a sense of belonging. Additionally, reach out to the hotel or resort you’ll be staying at and inquire about any planned activities or events for kids. This will provide an opportunity for your children to meet and interact with other kids who are also traveling.

Encouraging social interactions

Encourage your kids to step out of their comfort zones and initiate conversations or interactions with other children. Remind them of the benefits of making friends and how it can enhance their travel experience. Encourage them to participate in group activities or join in on games or sports being played by other children. Sometimes, a simple “hello” or a smile can go a long way in initiating a friendship. Be supportive and provide gentle guidance to help them navigate these social interactions.

Entertainment during Flight

Carrying portable gaming devices

When it comes to keeping your kids entertained during a flight, portable gaming devices can be a lifesaver. Devices like a Nintendo Switch or a handheld gaming console can provide hours of fun and help pass the time. Make sure to pack enough games or download some in advance to prevent boredom. Consider investing in headphones, so your kids can enjoy their games without disturbing other passengers.

Bringing books or magazines

Books or magazines are great alternatives to electronic entertainment. Bring a variety of reading material that your kids enjoy and encourage them to dive into a good book during the flight. Reading not only keeps them occupied but also helps improve their vocabulary and stimulates their imagination. If your kids are too young to read on their own, bring some picture books or interactive books that you can enjoy together.

Downloading movies or TV shows

Before the flight, download movies or TV shows onto a tablet or laptop for your kids to enjoy. Choose a selection of their favorite movies or introduce them to new ones they haven’t seen before. This can be a great way to relax and pass the time, especially on longer flights. Remember to bring headphones, so they can enjoy their shows without disturbing others around them.

Preparing snacks and drinks

Pack a variety of snacks and drinks to keep your kids fueled and hydrated during the flight. Choose snacks that are easy to eat, non-messy, and enjoyable. Avoid foods that may cause allergies or upset stomachs. Bring a refillable water bottle for each family member and ask the flight attendants to fill them up once you are on board. Staying hydrated is important, especially during flights, as the air inside the cabin can be dry.

Early Morning Challenges

Strategies to wake up early

Waking up early can be a challenge for many, especially when you have a flight to catch. To ensure a smooth start to your travel day, consider implementing some strategies to wake up early. Set multiple alarms and place them across the room to avoid the temptation of hitting snooze. Lay out your clothes the night before, so you have one less thing to worry about in the morning. Additionally, try to go to bed early the night before to ensure you get enough rest.

Dealing with grumpy kids

Waking up early can make anyone a bit grumpy, including kids. To handle grumpy kids in the morning, start by remaining calm and patient. Offer them a comforting and positive environment to help ease their transition from sleep to being awake. Engage them in light-hearted conversations or play their favorite music to help improve their mood. Provide them with a nutritious and enjoyable breakfast to give them an energy boost for the day.

Ensuring a smooth transition to travel

To ensure a smooth transition from waking up to actually leaving for your trip, plan ahead. Pack your bags the night before to minimize last-minute rushing and stress. Double-check that you have all the necessary documents such as passports, tickets, and identification. Have a checklist of essential items to review before leaving the house, including chargers, medications, and any special equipment you may need. By preparing in advance, you can avoid unnecessary delays and ensure a stress-free start to your trip.

Underrated Aspects of Traveling with Kids

Unexpected bonding experiences

Traveling with kids can lead to unexpected bonding experiences and moments of connection. Being in a new environment and experiencing new things together can strengthen the family bond and create lasting memories. Whether it’s exploring a new city, trying new foods, or overcoming challenges as a team, these experiences can bring your family closer and foster meaningful connections.

Teaching life skills

Traveling provides ample opportunities to teach your kids valuable life skills. From navigating airports and public transportation to budgeting and decision-making, traveling exposes children to real-world situations that can help them develop independence and problem-solving skills. Encourage them to participate in planning and decision-making processes, and involve them in tasks such as reading maps, managing finances, or even ordering meals at restaurants. These experiences will not only empower them but also prepare them for future travels and life in general.

Creating lasting memories

One of the most rewarding aspects of traveling with kids is the opportunity to create lasting memories. The experiences and adventures you share as a family will be cherished for years to come. Take plenty of photos, encourage your kids to keep a travel journal, and reminisce about the highlights of each day. Capture the moments of joy, excitement, and wonder, and enjoy the smiles on your kids’ faces as they explore new places. These memories will become a treasure trove of stories that you can share together as a family.

Sightseeing at the Happiest Place on Earth

Planning activities and attractions

When visiting a popular tourist destination like the “Happiest Place on Earth,” it’s crucial to plan your activities and attractions in advance. Research the park’s website or guidebooks to become familiar with the available rides, shows, and experiences. Take note of any height requirements or age restrictions for certain attractions to ensure everyone can participate. Make a list of must-see attractions and prioritize them based on your family’s interests. This will help you make the most of your time at the park and avoid disappointment.

Visiting character meet and greets

For many kids, meeting their favorite characters is a highlight of visiting the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Check the park’s schedule for character meet and greet opportunities and plan your day accordingly. Research which characters will be available for photos and autographs, and consider bringing a small autograph book or picture frame for your kids to collect signatures. Encourage your kids to interact with the characters and create magical memories that will last a lifetime.

Enjoying shows and parades

In addition to rides and character meet and greets, the “Happiest Place on Earth” offers a variety of shows and parades that are not to be missed. Check the park’s schedule for showtimes and parade routes, and plan your day around these events. Arrive early to secure a good viewing spot, and consider bringing a blanket or chairs to sit on. Show your kids the schedule and let them choose which shows or parades they are most excited to see. These performances are not only entertaining but also provide a much-needed break from the crowds and walking.

Engaging Activities for Kids

Craft projects and coloring books

Craft projects and coloring books are excellent activities to engage kids during travel. Pack a small bag with coloring books, crayons, markers, and small craft kits. These activities can keep kids engaged during downtime at the hotel or during long car rides. Encourage their creativity and let them express themselves through art. Consider bringing age-appropriate craft projects that don’t require too many supplies or create a lot of mess.

Outdoor games and sports

If you’re traveling to a destination with outdoor spaces, take advantage of the opportunity to engage in outdoor games and sports. Pack a frisbee, a small soccer ball, or a jump rope to enjoy some physical activity with your kids. Look for parks or open spaces where you can play together as a family. Outdoor games and sports not only keep kids active but also provide opportunities for family bonding and fun.

Exploring nature

Nature exploration is a great way to engage kids and foster their curiosity. Research nearby parks, nature trails, or botanical gardens that you can visit during your trip. Take a nature walk, go birdwatching, or learn about different plant species together. Encourage your kids to observe and ask questions. You can also bring a nature journal or a camera for them to document their findings and create a special keepsake.

Interactive museum or science center visits

Many destinations offer interactive museums or science centers that cater specifically to children. Research if there are any such attractions at your destination and plan a visit. These museums provide hands-on exhibits and activities that are both educational and engaging. From learning about dinosaurs to exploring the wonders of space, interactive museums can spark your kids’ curiosity and make learning exciting.

Ensuring Safety and Security

Keeping track of children in crowded areas

Safety is a top priority when traveling with kids, especially in crowded areas. To ensure their security, establish clear rules and guidelines to follow. Teach your kids to stay close to you or hold hands in crowded places. Consider using child harnesses or wristbands with identification information to provide an extra layer of security. Take a photo of your child each morning before heading out for the day. In case you get separated, you will have an up-to-date photo for assistance.

Setting boundaries and rules

Setting boundaries and rules is important to keep your kids safe and secure during travel. Explain the importance of staying within sight or hearing range and designate specific meeting points in case someone gets lost. Teach your children how to identify and seek help from security personnel or uniformed employees if needed. Reinforce the importance of sticking together as a family and remind them of the consequences of wandering off on their own.

Using child-friendly identification methods

In addition to setting boundaries and rules, it’s essential to use child-friendly identification methods to ensure their safety. Provide your children with identification bracelets or necklaces that display their name, contact number, and any important medical information. Alternatively, you can use temporary tattoos or write the contact information on their arm with a marker. These identification methods can be invaluable in case your child gets separated from you.


Traveling with kids may present its challenges, but with proper planning and preparation, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for the whole family. From packing efficiently and engaging your homebody kids to ensuring their safety and creating lasting memories, every aspect of the trip contributes to a memorable journey. Embrace the opportunities that come with traveling with kids, and savor the moments of joy and connection that make it all worthwhile.