Trippy Adventure: A Psychedelic Day Trip with Wacky Friends

Join Taha Ismail on a trippy adventure as he takes you on a psychedelic day trip with his wacky friends. This captivating short film, originally titled Innerbloom, was shot about 2 years ago but never completed. After much anticipation, it’s finally seeing the light of day! Follow along as the friends embark on a mind-altering journey filled with laughter, deep thoughts, and a profound connection to the world around them. It’s a wild ride that will leave you questioning your own perceptions and appreciating the beauty of life.

As the two friends prepare for their adventure, doubts and hesitations arise, but ultimately they decide to push forward and embrace the unknown. Once the psychedelics kick in, they experience a heightened sense of awareness, where everything around them reacts to their emotions. It’s a truly transformative experience that opens their eyes to the power of real human connection and the intricate balance of the universe. However, as the day trip draws to a close, they realize that they may have more questions than answers, leaving them in a dream-like state, longing for the simplicity and depth of this extraordinary journey.

DAY TRIP | Psychedelic Short Film

Come along for a trippy adventure with two wacky friends.

Have you ever wanted to embark on a mind-altering journey? A trip that takes you to places you’ve never been before, both physically and mentally? Well, in this psychedelic short film, two friends set out on an adventure that will leave them questioning reality and exploring the depths of their own minds.

The Beginnings of a Journey

The film starts with two friends, filled with anticipation and excitement. They’ve been planning this trip for a while, and the time has finally come to dive into the unknown. But as they stand there, on the brink of their adventure, doubt begins to creep in. One friend is unsure if they should proceed, questioning whether now is the right time for such an experience. The other friend, fueled by determination and a sense of seizing the moment, convinces them to push through and take the plunge.

With a mixture of fear and excitement, they prepare themselves for what lies ahead. They know that this journey has the potential to change them, to open their minds to new perspectives and possibilities. And with that realization, they let go of their doubts and surrender to the unknown.

The Trip Begins

As the effects of the trip start to kick in, the friends observe a shift in their perception of reality. Everything around them seems to respond to their presence and emotions. It’s as if the world is alive, interacting with them in ways they never thought possible.

They try to articulate their experiences, but language falls short. They are more aware than ever before, with sensory input bombarding them from all directions. They find solace in the language of the body, realizing that it is a universal form of communication that transcends the limitations of words.

Revelations and Connection

In their altered state of mind, the friends make profound realizations about the nature of life and existence. They see the intricate design of the world, how everything fits together perfectly and contributes to a delicate balance. They sense a higher power at play, the presence of something greater than themselves.

Through their heightened awareness, they experience a deep connection to the earth and all living beings. Instincts and body language take on a new significance, revealing the underlying truths of the world. They understand that balance is achieved through both positivity and negativity, and that everything has its rightful place.

Gratitude and Reflection

As the trip progresses, the friends find themselves overwhelmed with gratitude for the life they have lived. They feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, knowing that they have made a difference, no matter how small. They are grateful for the opportunity to experience this journey and to have someone to share it with.

Realizing the power of human connection, they understand that these moments of true connection are what make life meaningful. They yearn for more of these genuine experiences, while also acknowledging that the rarity of such moments is what makes them truly special.

Returning to Reality

As the day draws to a close, the friends are snapped back to reality by the realization of how much time has passed. They had been immersed in their journey for what felt like an eternity, losing all sense of the outside world. But now, they must confront the fact that their trip is coming to an end.

They contemplate the purpose of their journey, hoping to find answers but instead finding themselves with even more questions. The overwhelming nature of their experience leaves them feeling uncertain about what to do next. However, they both agree that it’s time to return to their everyday lives before they lose themselves completely.

Reflection on the Journey

As they make their way home, the friends reflect on their trippy adventure. They acknowledge that this extraordinary experience was like something out of a movie, a dreamlike state that is hard to believe actually happened. But they carry with them the lessons learned and the memories made.

They realize that life is not always like this, filled with mind-altering experiences and profound revelations. But it’s in those moments of ordinary life that the extraordinary becomes even more extraordinary. They are grateful for the journey they embarked on, knowing that it has forever changed their perspective on life.


In the end, “Day Trip” is a short film that takes us on a journey of exploration, self-discovery, and connection. It reminds us of the power of human connection and the importance of embracing the unknown. It encourages us to step outside of our comfort zones and to open ourselves up to new experiences and possibilities.

So, the next time you find yourself yearning for something out of the ordinary, remember the story of two friends who took a chance and embarked on a mind-altering journey. Who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself on a day trip of your own, experiencing the world in a whole new light.