TAKI’s Memories of ENOSHIMA Day Trip – &TEAM

Hey there! Have you ever been to ENOSHIMA? It’s a beautiful place with stunning views of the ocean and even Mount Fuji in the distance. This article, titled “TAKI’s Memories of ENOSHIMA Day Trip – &TEAM,” takes you on a virtual journey through ENOSHIMA with TAKI and the &TEAM.

In the first paragraph, TAKI shares his excitement about visiting ENOSHIMA after a long time and his desire to create wonderful memories there. He takes us to a charming Japanese sweet shop where he used to buy gifts for his sister, reminiscing about those times. He also tries a unique blue soda ice cream and buys some delicious pastries as gifts for his teammates. In the second paragraph, TAKI visits a seafood restaurant and indulges in his favorite seafood dishes, such as grilled clams and scallops. He describes the flavors and the joy he feels while savoring the food. TAKI concludes the article by expressing his happiness and gratitude for such a fantastic day, promising to continue practicing hard and looking forward to future trips with his teammates. So, let’s join TAKI and the &TEAM on this amazing ENOSHIMA adventure!

TAKI’s Memories of ENOSHIMA Day Trip – &TEAM

Introduction to ENOSHIMA

ENOSHIMA is a beautiful destination with stunning views of the sea and even a glimpse of Mount Fuji. It’s a place that holds a special place in TAKI’s heart, as he used to visit it regularly in the past. However, it had been a while since his last trip, so he was filled with excitement and anticipation to create new and wonderful memories there.

Heading to the Hilltop

As TAKI embarked on his ENOSHIMA adventure, he knew that the journey started with a climb to the hilltop. The path was picturesque and offered a chance to take in the beauty of the surroundings. Along the way, TAKI discovered various shops that added to the charm of the experience.

TAKI’s Favorite Japanese Sweet Shop

One of the shops that held a special place in TAKI’s heart was a Japanese sweet shop. He often visited this shop to buy gifts for his sister. The moment he entered the shop, he was greeted by a nostalgic aroma that reminded him of the happy memories he had created in the past. The shop became a symbol of warm and lovely memories for TAKI.

Exploring ENOSHIMA’s Unique Flavors

While navigating through ENOSHIMA, TAKI couldn’t resist trying the unique and delicious snacks offered by the local vendors. One of the highlights was the famous Cowboy Ice Cream. This quirky treat had a distinctive blue color and was a curiosity that TAKI couldn’t resist indulging in.

Trying the Blue Soda Ice Cream

At a small ice cream stall, TAKI ordered a Shonan Cowboy Ice Cream, curious about its flavor. As he took the first bite, he was pleasantly surprised by the taste of blue soda. The combination of the icy treat and the refreshing soda flavor was unexpectedly delightful, leaving TAKI craving for more.

Shopping for Gifts at a Popular Store

With the delightful treat of blue soda ice cream in his belly, TAKI’s attention turned to shopping for gifts for his fellow team members. He visited a popular store known for its unique and charming souvenirs. Among the items available, TAKI chose traditional Japanese confections, wanting to share a taste of Japan’s rich culinary heritage with his teammates.

Choosing Traditional Japanese Confections

One confection that caught TAKI’s attention was the famous Sake Manju. This traditional sweet was renowned for its delicate craftsmanship and flavors. TAKI marveled at the intricate process of making the confection and appreciated the freshness of the steamed Wagashi, making his gift selection all the more special.

Heading to the Seafood Restaurant

After checking off his shopping list, TAKI’s stomach rumbled with anticipation for his favorite seafood dishes. He made his way to a renowned seafood restaurant, eager to indulge in the flavors that he had been longing for.

Enjoying TAKI’s Favorite Seafood Dishes

As TAKI arrived at the seafood restaurant, he couldn’t contain his excitement. He was a fan of shellfish, and he wasted no time in ordering a succulent scallop dish. The perfectly grilled scallop thrilled his taste buds, and he couldn’t help but savor each bite. TAKI also indulged in another favorite dish – grilled clams, reminiscing about his previous visits to this restaurant and the joy it brought him.


Reflecting on his day trip to ENOSHIMA, TAKI felt a sense of contentment and gratitude. The beautiful weather, delectable seafood, and the overall experience left him feeling truly blessed. As he looked forward to future trips with his team members, he couldn’t help but appreciate the joy of creating memories in such a magnificent place. ENOSHIMA had once again captured TAKI’s heart, and he couldn’t wait to return and explore more of its wonders.