Exploring Kanazawa: A Day Trip Guide

Welcome to “Exploring Kanazawa: A Day Trip Guide”! In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover the fascinating city of Kanazawa in Japan. Known for its rich history, Kanazawa offers a perfect blend of old and new, with its impressive castle complex, breathtaking landscape garden, modern museums, and bustling market. Join us as we explore the top sightseeing spots, including a fresh seafood lunch at Omicho market, a visit to Kanazawa Castle and its surrounding attractions, and a walk through the beautiful Kenrokuen garden. We will also be stopping by some of the high-quality museums in the area. So, let’s dive in and discover the charm of Kanazawa together!

Kanazawa, located on the Sea of Japan Coast, is not only the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture but also a popular sightseeing destination. As we delve into the city’s grand past and prosperous present, we will witness the coexistence of old and new in its attractions. From the historic Kanazawa Castle to the stunning Kenrokuen landscape garden, there is no shortage of captivating sights to explore. Join us on this day trip where we’ll stroll through Omicho market, indulge in a fresh seafood lunch, and immerse ourselves in the beauty and culture of Kanazawa’s top attractions. Don’t miss out on this unique and worthwhile experience!

Exploring Kanazawa: A Day Trip Guide


Welcome to Kanazawa, a city with a rich history and a vibrant present. As the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture and home to Japan’s second most powerful clan during the feudal era, Kanazawa offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern attractions. In this day trip guide, we will explore some of the top sightseeing spots the city has to offer, including a bustling market, a beautiful castle, one of Japan’s top three landscape gardens, and several fascinating museums. So, put on your walking shoes and get ready to discover the wonders of Kanazawa!

Getting to Kanazawa

To start our day trip, make your way to Kanazawa Station. The city’s main transportation hub is well-connected with trains and buses from major cities in Japan. Once you arrive, you’ll be pleased to know that most of Kanazawa’s attractions are within walking distance from the station, making it convenient to explore the city on foot.

Omicho Market

Our first stop is Omicho Market, just a 15-minute walk from Kanazawa Station. Known as the largest fresh food market in the city, Omicho Market is a bustling hub of activity. With over a hundred vendors selling everything from fresh produce to seafood, flowers, and kitchen tools, it’s a feast for the senses. The coastal waters of Kanazawa are famous for their fresh seafood, so be sure to indulge in a kaisendon, a delectable dish of sashimi on top of rice. If you’re feeling adventurous, try the Kanazawa-don, topped with gold leaf as a nod to the city’s rich history of gold leaf production. It’s a truly unforgettable culinary experience.

Kanazawa Castle

After a satisfying lunch, it’s time to visit Kanazawa Castle. Located a short walk from Omicho Market, this castle complex is a testament to Kanazawa’s grand past. Once the base of the Maeda Clan, one of the richest clans in Japan, Kanazawa Castle now stands as a majestic reminder of feudal-era power. While only a few original structures remain, extensive rebuilding efforts have restored the castle to its former glory. Be sure to take off your shoes before entering and marvel at the displays showcasing the castle’s construction without the use of any nails. Exercise caution when ascending the steep staircases inside the castle for a true samurai experience.

Oyama Shrine

As we make our way to Kanazawa Castle, we’ll pass by Oyama Shrine. The entrance gate of this shrine is known for its unique blend of European and Asian architecture styles, creating a fascinating aesthetic. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate details and symbolism of the gate before continuing on our journey.

Gyokuseninmaru Garden

Adjacent to Kanazawa Castle is the picturesque Gyokuseninmaru Garden. This small yet beautiful garden is located on the castle grounds and offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Take a leisurely stroll through the garden, admiring the perfectly manicured landscapes and the harmonious blend of nature and architecture.

Kenrokuen Landscape Garden

Our next destination is the famous Kenrokuen Landscape Garden, just a few steps from Kanazawa Castle. Considered one of Japan’s top three landscape gardens, Kenrokuen is a true gem that showcases the beauty of every season. Whether you visit during spring for the cherry blossoms, summer for the vivid greenery, or fall for the stunning autumn colors, the garden never fails to impress. Explore the expansive grounds, walk along the winding paths, and immerse yourself in the serenity of this enchanting garden.

Seisonkaku Samurai Villa

Next door to Kenrokuen is the elegant Seisonkaku Samurai Villa. Step into the world of the samurai as you explore this lavish villa that once served as a residence for the Maeda Clan. Admire the intricate architectural details and imagine the grandeur of feudal Japan. The villa offers a glimpse into the opulence and lifestyle of the samurai class.

Museums in Kanazawa

Kanazawa is renowned for its plethora of modern museums, each offering a unique and enriching experience. Among the notable museums in the city are the D.T. Suzuki Museum and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.

The D.T. Suzuki Museum, named after the influential Zen Buddhist philosopher D.T. Suzuki, invites visitors to reflect and find inner peace. Its minimal and peaceful design creates a serene atmosphere where you can explore Suzuki’s teachings and contemplate the nature of existence.

The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art is a must-visit for art enthusiasts. The museum features various art installations scattered throughout its grounds, offering an interactive and thought-provoking experience. Take your time to appreciate the innovative artworks and immerse yourself in the world of contemporary art.


As our day trip exploring Kanazawa comes to an end, we hope you’ve enjoyed this journey through the city’s top sightseeing spots. From the bustling Omicho Market to the grand Kanazawa Castle, the serene Kenrokuen Landscape Garden, and the intriguing museums, Kanazawa offers a harmonious blend of historical and modern attractions. Whether you’re inspired to visit Kanazawa or simply daydreaming about future trips, this vibrant city is sure to leave a lasting impression. Happy travels!