Day Trip with Mr Tumble

Join Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted on an exciting day trip to the seaside in the Tumble Car! Watch as they embark on their adventure, using songs, rhymes, and visual humor with Makaton sign language to not only entertain but also help their audience learn and develop their language skills. This video by Mr Tumble and Friends, a commercial channel from BBC Studios, guarantees fun and games for all.

With the beautiful day ahead, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted get ready to hit the road in the Tumble Car. As they face small hurdles along the way, like remembering how to start the car and fitting their belongings, they rely on their wit and humor to overcome these challenges. Thanks to Mr Tumble’s problem-solving skills, they are soon off to the seaside! Before you join them on this delightful journey, don’t forget to keep your shoulders aside for the car as you watch this video filled with laughter and joy.

Preparing for the Day Trip

Heading to the seaside

Are you ready for a day trip with Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted? They are heading to the seaside in the Tumble Car, but first, they need to make sure everything is prepared. It’s going to be a fun and exciting adventure, so get ready for a fantastic day out!

Remembering how to start the Tumble Car

Starting the Tumble Car may not be as easy as it seems. Mr Tumble needs to remember the key steps to get the car up and running. But don’t worry, with a little practice and some help from Tumble Ted, they will get it started and be on their way to the seaside in no time.

Using songs, rhymes, and Makaton sign language

Something Special uses songs, rhymes, and Makaton sign language to help its audience learn and develop their language skills. It’s a fantastic way to make learning fun and interactive. So, get ready to sing along, learn some new signs, and have a great time on this day trip with Mr Tumble.

Fun and exciting way to develop language skills

Going on a day trip with Mr Tumble is not only a fun experience but also a great opportunity to develop your language skills. With the help of songs, rhymes, and Makaton sign language, you’ll be able to learn new words and communicate in a creative and exciting way. So, get ready to have a blast while learning and expanding your language abilities.

Getting Ready for the Trip

Packing the Tumble Car

Before setting off on their day trip, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted need to pack the Tumble Car. It’s important to make sure they have everything they need for a fun-filled day at the seaside. From snacks and toys to beach towels and sunscreen, they make sure they are well-prepared for whatever comes their way.


Sometimes, when we are excited about a trip, we tend to overpack. And Mr Tumble is no exception. He might have packed a few too many items, but that’s part of the fun. It’s always better to be prepared than to forget something essential. So, don’t worry if you find yourself overpacking for your own day trips – it happens to the best of us!

Making sure everything fits

With the Tumble Car slightly overpacked, Mr Tumble needs to figure out how to make everything fit. It might require some Tetris-like skills, but he manages to find a place for each item. It’s all about finding the right balance and utilizing the space wisely. Now the Tumble Car is ready to hit the road!

Mr Tumble’s sense of humor

Throughout the process of getting ready for the trip, Mr Tumble’s sense of humor shines through. He brings a smile to everyone’s face with his funny remarks and playful interactions. His lightheartedness and positive attitude make the journey even more enjoyable. So, get ready for some laughs and giggles as you join Mr Tumble on this adventure.

Starting the Tumble Car

Remembering the key steps

After a slight hiccup, Mr Tumble remembers the key steps to start the Tumble Car. It’s important to have a clear mind and remember each step in the process. With determination and focus, he gets the car running smoothly. Remembering these steps is crucial to ensure a safe and successful journey.

Apologizing to Granddad Tumble

Oops! It seems that the noise from starting the Tumble Car has disturbed Granddad Tumble. Mr Tumble takes a moment to apologize and explain the situation. It’s essential to be considerate of others and apologize when necessary. With a sincere apology, Mr Tumble shows his thoughtfulness and respect.

Fixing the music

No road trip is complete without some good music. Mr Tumble realizes that the music isn’t working properly and takes the time to fix it. It’s important to ensure that everything is in working order before setting off on the journey. With the music fixed, the atmosphere in the Tumble Car becomes even more lively and enjoyable.

Ready to go to the seaside

After overcoming a few challenges, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted are finally ready to hit the road and head to the seaside. They have gone through the necessary steps, fixed any issues, and are now looking forward to a day full of fun and excitement. The Tumble Car is all set, and the journey begins!

Heading to the Seaside

Accidental mishaps

During the journey, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted encounter a few accidental mishaps. It’s part of the adventure and adds a touch of unpredictability to the day trip. But don’t worry, Mr Tumble’s positive attitude helps him overcome these small hiccups with ease.

Overcoming obstacles

Sometimes, unexpected obstacles come our way. Whether it’s a detour or a roadblock, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted face these challenges head-on. With determination and perseverance, they find creative solutions and continue their journey to the seaside. It’s a valuable lesson in problem-solving and resilience.

Still determined to go

Despite the accidental mishaps and obstacles, Mr Tumble remains determined to reach the seaside. He keeps a positive mindset and focuses on the end goal. His determination is an inspiration to keep going, even when things don’t go exactly as planned.

Support from Tumble Ted

Tumble Ted is always by Mr Tumble’s side, offering support and encouragement. Having someone to lean on during a journey can make all the difference. Tumble Ted provides comfort and companionship, reminding us that we are never alone, even on the most challenging adventures.

Enjoying the Day

Fixing the music

Once again, Mr Tumble takes the time to fix the music. Ensuring that everything is in order adds to the enjoyment of the day trip. Good music sets the mood and keeps the spirits high. With the music playing, the journey becomes even more delightful and entertaining.

Ready to go to the seaside

With everything sorted, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted are ready to fully immerse themselves in the day trip. They are excited about the adventures that lie ahead and eager to explore the seaside. Their enthusiasm is contagious and spreads a sense of excitement throughout the journey.

Crowds and excitement

As they approach the seaside, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted are greeted by crowds of people. The excitement in the air is palpable, and everyone is eager to enjoy the day. The bustling atmosphere adds an element of liveliness and energy to the trip, making it an unforgettable experience.

Interacting with people

One of the highlights of the day trip is the opportunity to interact with different people. From fellow travelers to locals at the seaside, Mr Tumble engages in conversations and exchanges greetings. This provides an excellent chance for language development and social interaction. It’s an inclusive experience that brings people together.

Sharing the Adventure

Mr Tumble’s gratitude

Throughout the day trip, Mr Tumble expresses his gratitude to everyone who has joined him on this adventure. He appreciates the support and company of his viewers and acknowledges the positive impact they have on his journey. Expressing gratitude is a beautiful way to connect with others and show appreciation for their presence.

Encouraging others to watch

Mr Tumble encourages others to watch and join him on his day trips. He knows that sharing the adventure with others enhances the experience and creates a sense of community. By inviting others to be part of his journey, Mr Tumble extends kindness and inclusivity to his audience.

Feeling like a star

As Mr Tumble interacts with people during his day trip, he starts to feel like a star. The positive reactions and warm responses from his audience boost his confidence and make him shine even brighter. It’s a reminder that each of us has the potential to make a positive impact on others and be stars in our own right.

Acknowledging the audience

Mr Tumble takes the time to acknowledge his audience and thank them for their support. He understands the importance of building a connection with his viewers and values their presence. By recognizing and acknowledging his audience, Mr Tumble creates a sense of belonging and strengthens the bond with his fans.

Ending the Day

Saying goodbye to the seaside

As the day comes to a close, Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted bid farewell to the seaside. They take a moment to cherish the memories created and reflect on the wonderful experiences they had. Saying goodbye is never easy, but it signifies the end of one adventure and the beginning of new ones.

Expressing appreciation to Tumble Ted

Tumble Ted has been Mr Tumble’s companion throughout the day trip, providing comfort, support, and friendship. Mr Tumble takes a moment to express his appreciation to Tumble Ted for being there every step of the way. It’s a heartwarming moment that highlights the importance of gratitude and acknowledging the presence of loved ones.

Thanking the viewers

Mr Tumble extends his gratitude to his viewers for joining him on this day trip. He thanks them for their support, encouragement, and enthusiasm. It’s a reminder of the strong bond between Mr Tumble and his audience and how their presence brightens his day. Gratitude is a powerful tool that fosters connection and builds relationships.

Leaving a positive impression

As the day trip comes to an end, Mr Tumble hopes to leave a positive impression on his audience. The memories created, the lessons learned, and the joy shared during this adventure all contribute to a lasting impact. Mr Tumble’s positivity and kindness resonate with his viewers, leaving them with a sense of inspiration and warmth.

Fun Continues Online

Mr Tumble’s online presence

Mr Tumble has a strong online presence, providing a platform for his audience to continue the fun and adventure. Through various digital channels, viewers can access more content and engage with Mr Tumble and his friends. It’s a way to extend the day trip experience beyond the physical journey.

Suggesting more content

Mr Tumble suggests exploring more content available online. There are endless opportunities for fun and learning, and he encourages his viewers to take advantage of those resources. From games and activities to educational materials, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and further enhance their language development.

Inviting viewers to BBC iPlayer

BBC iPlayer is a platform where viewers can find more episodes of Mr Tumble and his friends. It’s an invitation to dive deeper into the world of Something Special and discover new adventures. By providing access to BBC iPlayer, Mr Tumble ensures that the fun and learning can continue long after the day trip is over.

Promoting CBB Something Special

Mr Tumble promotes CBB Something Special as a way to stay connected and engaged with his content. It’s a channel dedicated to Something Special and offers a range of activities and materials for children to develop their language skills. By promoting CBB Something Special, Mr Tumble emphasizes the continuous learning and growth that can happen through his shows.


Unique learning experience

A day trip with Mr Tumble and Tumble Ted is a unique learning experience. Through songs, rhymes, and Makaton sign language, children can develop their language skills in a fun and exciting way. Mr Tumble creates an environment that encourages active participation and engages his audience on a deeper level.

Positive impact on language development

The day trip with Mr Tumble has a positive impact on language development. Through the creative use of music, rhymes, and visual cues, children can learn new words, improve their communication skills, and enhance their overall language abilities. It’s a holistic approach to language learning that ensures a well-rounded educational experience.

Engaging and entertaining

Mr Tumble’s day trip is not only educational but also highly engaging and entertaining. The combination of humor, interactive elements, and lively interactions keeps viewers hooked and excited throughout the journey. Learning becomes an enjoyable experience, and children are encouraged to actively participate and have fun.

Grateful for Mr Tumble and Friends

At the end of the day, we are reminded of the gratitude we have for Mr Tumble and his friends. Their commitment to creating educational and entertaining content is greatly appreciated. Mr Tumble’s positive attitude, sense of humor, and inclusivity make him a beloved character, and his impact on language development is immeasurable.

So, get ready for a day trip with Mr Tumble, pack your bags, and join in the fun and excitement. It’s a journey that will not only entertain but also enhance your language skills and leave you with a smile on your face. Enjoy the adventure and cherish the memories created along the way.